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Our Registrations

Australian Skills Quality Authority
Training Organisation Identification Number (TOID): 4016

Learn Local / Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE)
Advance is a Learn Local provider and is registered with the Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board. Visit their website for further details:

Community College
Community Colleges Australia (CCA) is the peak body that represents and provides services to community owned, not-for-profit education and training providers. CCA will seek to enhance and strengthen delivery of quality community education throughout the nation by locally managed not-for-profit providers. Advance is a registered Community College member. For more information on Community Colleges visit

Higher Education and Skills Group
Advance is a Registered Training Organisation (4016) contracted with HESG to deliver Government funded training.

Scope of Registration
Advance is a Registered Training Organisation (4016) and has been approved to deliver a range of Qualifications, Accredited Courses and Units of Competency. For our full Scope of Registration, visit

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Advance (ABN 22 054 248 124) is a registered charity with DGR status. Donations are used to support community programs and are tax deductable.

Department of Justice and Community Safety
Advance is an incorporated association (Incorporated Association Number A13102V) registered with the Department of Justice under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.